Windows 8, a leap into a new market

Posted on: October 23rd, 2012 by Vince No Comments

The much anticipated software for tablets will be hitting shelves across the world next friday as Microsoft launches Windows 8, a new os on a new market.  The software is built for both desktop and tablet interface, with both multitouch and mouse support.  But will it sell?  That’s the market Microsoft’s about to enter as it intends for users not only to use this for tablets, but also on desktops.  But the problem is that the multitouch desktops and touchsmarts have a small market, and most of the market is desktop.  And with a desktop world being introduced to apps and scrollbars for tiles, this might not end well for the desktop users.  As for new tablet owners, the effect will be evolutionary.  It’s a step up from the average tablet software, offering the ease the Ipad never gave you.  The speed up at start up and shut down is incredible.  Check out the commercials below, and this had better be your new tablet.

Commercial #1:

Commercial #2

Commercial #3


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