Archive for the ‘telecommunications’ Category

The Final Stand

Posted on: April 5th, 2013 by Vince No Comments




The internet’s been running for about 40 years. That being said, it’s had a grueling past, but none as grudging as this. The government, of all systems, is making the attempt to take away our second amendment. They are sneaking their way past the Constitution to put past a bill to deliver them more power and access into your lives. This is quite a problem and may come out shocking to most, as this bill is not in favor by most of the American people. This bill, proposed last year and this year as CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) is a bill that causes more harm than good. This monstrosity has been going for over a year now, and it’s taking it’s toll as it’s passing is quite a struggle. The fine line that it stands between is a decision battle between the U.S. Senate and Congress. It’s quite a mess, and I may quit the internet if this proposed bill passes. This entanglement, if you will, is quite larger than the name reveals. The name only contradicts the internal intentions of said proposed bills. We’ll keep you updated as we get more news on it. Stay tuned on this topic. Thanks.

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I love coding and re-visioning the web. Designing it and redesigning it. Pixel by pixel. And technology and news rule my life. Check out my stories here and you shall truly see what I mean.

Huawei Bringing In Disrespect For America

Posted on: October 12th, 2012 by Vince No Comments


I know I’ve been slow on news recently, but I’ve been really busy.

Recently, Huawei appeared as a huge headline and debate over 60 Minutes on building our next telecommunications system.  You could say that’s not a bad thing, if you haven’t heard the whole story.  The company, Huawei, if you didn’t know incorporated some of the first 4G systems into their company.  Now, that isn’t the worst part.  The worst part is that the they are a Chinese company.  And with a Chinese company building your country’s bridge to the future leads to further problems.  Not only does this seem like a government scam, but also a threat to the United States.  And why can’t we build our own telecommunications towers?  Well, this probably is some money the company slid under the table to the government.  This is deep concern because not only is there thought on the Chinese hacking into our telecom wires and tapping into devices, and such, but also the fact that the government doesn’t even trust a U.S. company to set up the telecommunication towers.  The facts spill straight out and there is no need for foreign technology to build up our country.  I mean, we invented the computer, it seems a little suspicious that the government would let a Chinese company build on american soil.  ZTE, another Chinese company, is also said to be involved in the build.  Congress has brought up concern, too, such as:


Feel free to leave your opinion below, but personally, I think we should all be concerned if this plan goes underway.


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I love coding and re-visioning the web. Designing it and redesigning it. Pixel by pixel. And technology and news rule my life. Check out my stories here and you shall truly see what I mean.