A New Nook™?

Posted on: May 30th, 2011 by Vince 2 Comments



Book companies compete, and they just won’t stop.  It’s painfully intriguing to view these conflicts, and while Amazon Kindle™ has recently launched it’s ever-so-glorious third-gen., things have also been sprucing up around the Barnes&Noble™ tree.  The all new Nook Simple Touch Reader™ has been announced recently, but will it survive the empire reader, the Kindle™?  Well, despite it’s terrible glare, it now has an improved 6″ glossy-ish screen.  An improvise made also to this wonderful devise is the new E Ink® Pearl technology that gives you a full, crisp, fresh-off-the-printer clean look that will also attract readers of hatred pixelated text.  Weighing in an ultra 8 ounces, super thin, and a hold of up to 1,000 books gives this thing the portability you’ve been waiting for.  But listen to this. This sleek device has the battery life of up to two months.  That’s incredible!  Screensavers are also added, allowing unique personalization to show off your nook.  Over 2 million books also gives this thing what you want.  Almost any book you want is on the Barnes&Noble book market.  The touch screen keyboard also gives this device the unique feel of an e-reader and tablet combined.  Nook friends let you use your new nook to connect with friends, as usual, and share books and what you’re reading.  Pretty sweet, eh?  Well check out our resource links below, comment, and see for yourselves.





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I love coding and re-visioning the web. Designing it and redesigning it. Pixel by pixel. And technology and news rule my life. Check out my stories here and you shall truly see what I mean.

2 Responses

  1. Elric says:

    Hey, kliler job on that one you guys!

  2. Arlen Defir says:

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