Twitter opens Photo API. Developers, power up your computers.

Posted on: August 16th, 2011 by Vince 1 Comment


  Twitter, the SMS giant, just recently launched it’s photo service. How did this change it’s service? Well, having the ability to send photos and videos brought a huge wave of feature and openness to Twitter. As a result, this new feature seems to be a hit, as thousands of people are now using it.  There’s no downside to this, as Twitter grew, it needed this to now secede it’s past, and take Twitter one step further.  Now, the dev team has released an API. Now, what does this mean for developers? What it means is that developers not only have the delicious, favored-over-Facebook API, API in there hands, but can let there users now upload photos. This will change the way we develop. It’s making Twitter a more open-source, top-game development platform, from socialists, to people with a simple, cheap phone in another country, this platform now allows it’s app developers to take it up a notch. Use a new feature that came out just weeks, not maybe a month ago. Why is this such a big deal, though? I don’t see Facebook handing out it’s new features to it’s 3rd party developers currently at work. So, if you want an API with a pack ton of features, including this new photo feature, go with Twitter’s.

via Techcrunch

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I love coding and re-visioning the web. Designing it and redesigning it. Pixel by pixel. And technology and news rule my life. Check out my stories here and you shall truly see what I mean.

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